Travertines from Pammukkale
Travertines from Pammukkale
More travertines
Fiona paddling
Fiona resting sore feet
Brian paddling
Wall of calcium
The travertines from Hierapolis
The travertines from Hierapolis
The travertines from Hierapolis
The travertines from Hierapolis
Antique sacred pool, Hierapolis
Early church
Temple of Apollo
Frieze from the theatre
An angry man
The expensive seats, Hierapolis Theatre
The stage
Hierapolis Theatre
A tomb
Part of Martyrium of St Philip the Apostle complex
Walking up to Martyrium of St Philip the Apostle
Carving on the Martyrium of St Philip the Apostle
Path leading to Martyrium of St Philip the Apostle
The Necropolis outside of the city walls
Views of a ruined church
Views of the Agora
Views of the Agora
Hierapolis from above
The remains of the Hellenistic Theatre
The seats of the Hellenistic Theatre
The remains of the Hellenistic Theatre
The Roman Theatre
Byzantine Church
Greek temple
Greek temple
Ruined columns
Bad hair day?!
Sarcophagus on the travertines
Arch of Domitian
Roman tomb with the East Baths in the background
Sarcophagus on the travertines
Funerary chamber of Lucius Salvius Paolinus
A bit of work needed!
The East Roman Bathslater used as a church
The Necropolis
East Baths
East Baths
Arch of Domitian
Arch of Domitian
Frontinus Street
Cart ruts
Frontinus Street
Entrance to the latrines
The latrines
The Agora
The last standing column in the Agora
Taking a rest in the Agora
Frontinus Street
Looking back to the Arch of Domitian
Byzantine Gate
A fishy carving
Cross carving
Another cross carving
And yet another cross carving
Wandering along a Roman road
Gladiator carving
Gladiator carving
Nike carving
A tomb carving
Brian and Horus having a rest
A lion having lunch
Grave marker for a Gladiator
Travertines from Pammukkale